Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is a picture of Oisin ("Ah- she")and Oran "Or-in"), two of the children that Allie and I stayed with in Derry. Bill Martin, the assistant harbor master in Derry, and his wife Christine were wonderful hosts! We had a great time hanging out with their family for a week. Their lives are CRAZY compared to me and Maureen in Dublin. Oisin was kind of a little devil child though. He was constantly getting into the "American girl's" stuff. As you can tell, he's just about the cutest boy I've ever seen so it didn't even matter! Every morning Christine would pile us in her tiny car with all the kids and we'd drop each of them off at school. They also had a dog named Jock, a bearded collie, who looked basically like a fluffy brown carpet. I loved staying with this family but it really made me miss my family, my friends, and just home in general. I love you all. 

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